Table of Benefits

Table of Benefits

These are the maximum sums insured. Please see Your individual Schedule of Insurance for the Level of Cover You have purchased. Benefit limits in the Table of Benefits are shown in both Sterling (£) and Euros (€) and You will be covered up to the limits shown in the same currency in which You pay Your premium and claims will also be settled in this currency. All benefits and excesses are applicable to each individual named in your Schedule of Insurance. There are three Levels of Cover options for both Annual Multi-Trip policies and Single-Trip policies – Silver, Gold and Platinum.











Cancellation or Curtailment 500 1,500 3,000 7,500 100 or 50
Travel Disruption 150 250 500 1,000 100 or 50
Alternative Accommodation 150 250 500 1,000 100 or 50
Missed Departure and Transport diversion 150 250 500 750 100 or 50
Travel Delay Inconvenience Benefit 10 per day up to 50 10 per day up to 100 20 per day up to 200 30 per day up to 300 Nil
Alteration of Itinerary 150 250 500 750 100 or 50
Emergency Medical and Repatriation Expenses 50,000 1,000,000 3,500,000 10,000,000 100 or 50
Hospital Inconvenience Benefit 10 per day up to 200 10 per day up to 300 20 per day up to 600 30 per day up to 900 Nil
Funeral Expenses 1,000 1,500 3,500 5,000 100 or 50
Pet Care (Additional Kennel/Cattery) Not Available 50 per day up to 500 50 per day up to 500 50 per day up to 500 Nil
Personal Accident
With age-related cover limitations
Ages 16-65 Age-related limitations in column 1 Ages 16-65 Age-related limitations in column 1 Ages 16-65 Age-related limitations in column 1 Ages 16-65 Age-related limitations in column 1
Accidental Death Under 16 limit 2,500 Over 65 limit 5,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 50,000 Nil
1)Loss of one limb or one eye Under 16 or over 65 limited to 50%
2)Loss of two limbs or both eyes or one limb and one eye
5,000 10,000 15,000 50,000 Nil
Under 16 or over 65 limited to 50% 3) Permanent Total Disablement Under 16 limited to 50% Over 65 no cover 5,000 10,000 15,000 50,000 Nil
Baggage and Personal Effects 500 750 5,000 7,500 100 or 50
Single Item Pair or Set Limit
Valuables Total Limit
100 150 300 450 100 or 50
Delayed Baggage 100 150 300 450 100 or 50
Money and Documents 150 300 600 900 100 or 50
Money and Documents Cash Limit (aged 18 and above) 75 150 300 450 100 or 50
Money and Documents Cash Limit (under 18) 50 100 150 225 100 or 50
Fraudulent Use of Lost Credit/Debit Card 100 150 300 450 250
Legal Expenses 5,000 10,000 15,000 25,000 250
Personal Liability 100,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 250
Hijack and Kidnap 25 per day Up to 500 50 per day up to 1,000 75 per day up to 1,500 100 per day up to 2,000 Nil

Optional Cover Benefits

For Single-Trip policies Optional Benefits can be added during the period after the policy is issued and up to the day before the Trip is due to start. They cannot be added after the Trip has started.

For Annual Multi-Trip policies optional benefits can be purchased when the policy is issued or added during the validity period of the policy. If you wish to add some extra cover, it must be added before you leave home to start a Trip and cannot be added once you are already on a trip.

If you have chosen any of the optional cover benefits available, and have paid the additional premium required for this cover, the following also applies:











Winter Sports
Owned and Hired Ski Equipment Not Available 500 500 500 100 or 50
Single Item Equipment Not Available 200 200 200 100 or 50
Hiring replacement ski equipment Not Available 20 per day up to 400 20 per day up to 400 20 per day up to 400 Nil
Lift Passes Not Available 300 €300 300 Nil
Piste Closure Not Available 30 per day up to 300 30 per day up to 300 30 per day up to 300 Nil
Avalanche Cover Not Available 500 500 500 100 or 50
Business Equipment
Business Equipment Not Available 2,000 2,000 2,000 100 or 50
Business Documents and Records Not Available 500 500 500 100 or 50
Business Money Not Available 50 50 50 Nil
Replacement Staff Not Available 1,500 1,500 1,500 100 or 50
Additional Personal Accident Not Available Normal Benefit x 2 Normal Benefit x 2 Normal Benefit x 2 Nil
Owned and Hired Golf Equipment Not Available 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 or 50
Single Item Limit Not Available 500 500 500 100 or 50
Hiring Replacement Golf Equipment Not Available 20 per day up to 400 20 per day up to 400 20 per day up to 400 Nil
Green Fees Not Available 300 300 300 Nil
One Way Trip – Extend Cover by up to 31 Days (Limitations apply)
One Way Trip Option Option Option Option Nil
Terrorism Disruption
Terrorism Disruption (Extended Cancellation or Curtailment) Not Available 1,000 5,000 10,000 100 or 50
Owned and Hired Sports and Cycle Equipment
Owned and Hired Sports and Cycle Equipment Not Available 1,500 1,500 1,500 100 or 50
Single Item Limit Not Available 500 500 500 100 or 50
Hiring Replacement Equipment Not Available 20 per day up to 400 20 per day up to 400 20 per day up to 400 Nil
Gadget (Up to 4 Gadgets) 1000
Accidental & Malicious Damage Not Available Not Available 1,000 2,000 100 or 50
Theft or Loss Not Available Not Available 1,000 2,000 100 or 50
Liquid Damage Not Available Not Available 1,000 2,000 100 or 50
Unauthorised Usage Not Available Not Available 500 (Limit 100 per occurrence) 500 (Limit 100 per occurrence) 100 or 50
Single Item Limit all sections Not Available Not Available 500 500 100 or 50
Wedding Cover
Attire Not Available 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 or 50
Single Item Limit (attire) Not Available 250 250 250 100 or 50
Rings Not Available 250 250 250 100 or 50
Gifts Not Available 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 or 50
Single Item Limit (gifts) Not Available 250 250 250 Nil
Gift Cash Limit (gifts) Not Available 150 150 150 Nil
Photographs and Video Not Available 750 750 750 100 or 50
Covid-19/SARs-CoV-2 Cover Extension
Cancellation / Curtailment 500 1,500 2,500 5,000 100 or 50
Accommodation 25 per 24 hours up to 350 50 per 24 hours up to 700 100 per 24 hours up to 1,400 150 per 24 hours up to 2,100 Nil
Transport costs 150 Europe 250 Worldwide 300 Europe 500 worldwide 600 Europe 1,000 worldwide 900 Europe 1,500 worldwide Nil
Emergency Medical, Repatriation and Other Expenses (cover as Sections 2.1 -2.4) 50,000 1,000,000 3,500,000 10,000,000 100 or 50
Car Hire Excess Waiver Cover
Excess Reimbursement
Towing Costs (following an accident)
Not Available


Key Cover and Lock-Out500 (per year) Not Available 500 (per year) 500 (per year) 500 (per year) Nil
Curtailment of
Rental Per day
Per Car Hire Agreement
Not Available


Drop-off Charges Not Available 300 300 300 Nil
Mis-Fueling Not Available 500 (per year) 500 (per year) 500 (per year) Nil